eddyNCDT - Inductive sensors (eddy current)
capaNCDT - Capacitive sensors
- capaNCDT Software "Disc Thickness Variation Measurement" with DT62x0, 2-channel, V2.0.2 (zip, 10.62 MB)
- capaNCDT Software "Disc Thickness Variation Measurement" mit DT62x0, 4-channel, V2.1.5 (zip, 11.04 MB)
- Micro-Epsilon EtherCAT ESI file "IF1032" (zip, 37.43 KB)
- MEDAQLib V5.2.1 (zip, 22.66 MB)
- sensorTOOL V2.0 (exe, 17.56 MB)
- Firmware Update KSS64x0: SW1.4n / FW1.2g / Web-Build 20505 (zip, 1.23 MB)
- Firmware update DT62x0:SW1.4o / FW1.2i / Web-Build 20618 (zip, 1.23 MB)
- Firmware update DT6530: SW1.4o / FW1.2i / Web-Build 20618 (zip, 1.23 MB)
- GSDML Device Description DT6x40-PROFINET (zip, 23.54 KB)
optoNCDT - Laser sensors
- Firmware update for optoNCDT 1900-PROFINET sensors (zip, 3.61 MB)
- MEDAQLib V5.2.1 (zip, 22.66 MB)
- sensorTOOL V2.0 (exe, 17.56 MB)
- Electronic Data Sheet file optoNCDT 1900 (zip, 4.98 KB)
- Firmware update for ILD1900-EtherCAT V1 (U-ECAT_20.02-107) (zip, 2.99 MB)
- ESI Device Description for ILD1900-EtherCAT (zip, 7.70 KB)
- Firmware update for ILD1900-EtherNet/IP V1 (U-ENIP_14.0-14.0-85) (zip, 3.58 MB)
- ESD Device Description for ILD1900-EtherNet/IP (zip, 5.05 KB)
- GSDML Device Description ILD1900-PROFINET (zip, 10.26 KB)
- Firmware update for ILD2300 V1.50 (U_009_200_150_ENET_ECAT) (zip, 6.25 MB)
- optoNCDT 23x0 EtherCAT XML (V1.9) (zip, 1.11 MB)
- Firmware update ILD1900 V18.0 (U_18.0-97) (zip, 2.32 MB)
- Firmware update ILD1900-PROFINET version 014.000 (zip, 3.61 MB)
- ILD1700 Tool V3.6.0 (zip, 11.43 MB)
- Firmware update ILD 1220/1320/1420 V12.0 build 63 for sensors from December 2023 (zip, 2.43 MB)
- Firmware update optoNCDT 5500 version 6.0 build 42 (zip, 2.95 MB)
- IODD files optoNCDT ILD 1220-IO-Link (zip, 417.08 KB)
confocalDT - Confocal sensors
- EtherCAT XML File confocalDT 2421/2422 (zip, 1.05 MB)
- MEDAQLib V5.2.1 (zip, 22.66 MB)
- sensorTOOL V2.0 (exe, 17.56 MB)
- Firmware update for IFC242x: 001_051_114 Build 0134 (zip, 4.48 MB)
- confocalDT Firmware Update Tool (Ethernet) (zip, 970.53 KB)
- Firmware update for IFC246x: V004_037_017 Build 0135 (zip, 3.07 MB)
- Fieldbus device description IFD241x - EtherCat / PROFINET / Ethernet/IP (zip, 728.44 KB)
- Firmware IFC241x fieldbus release 6.11-92 (zip, 16.36 MB)
- EtherCAT XML Datei confocalDT 246x (zip, 611.56 KB)
- Firmware update confocalDT IFD 2410 fieldbus: release 6.11-92 (zip, 16.37 MB)
- Firmware update confocalDT IFD 2415 fieldbus: release 6.11-92 (zip, 7.88 MB)
Interferometers (white light)
optoNCDT ILR - Laser distance sensors
induSENSOR - Inductive sensors (LVDT)
wireSENSOR - Draw-wire sensors
reflectCONTROL / surfaceCONTROL - 3D sensors
optoCONTROL ODC - Optical precision micrometer
scanCONTROL - Laser profile scanners
inertialSENSOR - Rotation speed sensors
thermoMETER - Infrared temperature measurement
thermoIMAGER - Thermal imaging cameras (TIM)
colorSENSOR / colorCONTROL - Color measuring systems, color sensors and LED Analyzers
- colorCONTROL ACS colorWATCHER Tool Light V1.6 (ZIP, 425 MB)
- Software colorCONTROL C4 V6.4 (only for model OT3-*-200)
- Firmware/Update colorCONTROL-S V4.2
- Software colorCONTROL-S V4.2
- Firmware colorSENSOR CFO V1.6.18 (SN 7455XX, ZIP, 119 MB)
- Firmware colorSENSOR CFO V1.6.18 (SN 7454XX, ZIP, 457 MB)
- MEDAQLib V5.2.1 (zip, 22.66 MB)
- sensorTOOL V2.0 (exe, 17.56 MB)
- EtherCAT XML File ACS7000 (zip, 18.82 KB)
- Firmware Update ACS7000 / V1 (U_002.061.204) (zip, 12.62 MB)
Interface and signal processing units
- IF203x-PROFINET SIEMENS TIA S7 StandardExample and Library (zip, 9.07 MB)
- Micro-Epsilon EtherCAT ESI file "IF1032" (zip, 37.43 KB)
- Dual Processing Unit / C-Box WinUSB Driver (zip, 9.21 MB)
- FTDI Virtual COM Port Driver V2.12.28 (zip, 1.61 MB)
- IF2008 driver for Windows (zip, 3.49 MB)
- MEDAQLib V5.2.1 (zip, 22.66 MB)
- sensorTOOL V2.0 (exe, 17.56 MB)
- PROFINET GSDML Device Profile "IF2035/PNET" V2.43 20230121 (zip, 15.58 KB)
- EtherCAT configuration file for IF2035/ECAT/ V1 (zip, 23.53 KB)
- EDS Device Description Datei IF2035 EthernetIP (zip, 5.82 KB)
- Firmware Update C-Box/2A V0006(6)-0039(2)-20529 (20808) (zip, 3.18 MB)
- Firmware update IF1032/ETH: SW1.4r / Web20647 (zip, 1.22 MB)